About Us
Adimatics healthcare private limited was incorporated in 2019 (CERTIFICATION OF INCORPORATION) in the Silicon Valley of India, Bengaluru. Adimatics healthcare private limited is a government of India recognized startup (No: 54147). Eminent scientists, engineers and doctors form the core team from director position to esteemed colleagues. We deploy worthy techniques of artificial intelligence to derive unparallel excellence in the accuracy of diagnostics. We continue to serve not only the patients but also enhance the efficiency of medical work force.
Shaping the future of healthcare - with artificial intelligence and more humane
We strive strenuously to achieve world class healthcare at an affordable cost to our fellow citizens and everyone in the remotest corners of the world. We will continue to research bringing out patented technologies to match par excellence with developed nations. Our sustainable initiatives in innovative technologies pave way for new charters in the history of affordable healthcare.
We endorse the need of every human being across the world to the best possible medical services at an affordable cost.
Our Team
Meet the Leaders of Adimatics

Dr. Shalu Mishra (Founder - Chairperson)
Dr.Shalu Mishra - Chairperson
In depth Experience in the field of artificial intelligence deep machine learning ,worked with scientist around the globe in many projects involved with AI in medical imaging.

Dr. Dilip Gowda (Founder - CEO)
Dr. Dilip Gowda has Worked on artificial intelligence & deep machine learning. He holds huge experience in field of business & finance.

Prof. D. Antony Louis Piriyakumar (Founder - Director)
Prof. D. Antony Louis Piriyakumar is Ph.D from Stuttgart in image understanding, IIT-M Alumnus, Gold medalist from MK University. 13+ years of experience with a German multinational company, 10+ years of teaching in universities, Distinguished visiting professor of AICTE-INAE, Registered Indian patent agent.
Our Innovation
1. We have filed a patent application on an innovative design of robotic arm for sonography.
Patents in progress (research has been completed; prototypes are being developed)
2. AI (Artificial intelligence) based “breathometer”
3. AI based fetal medical diagnostics
4. AI based cloud platform for tele-connectivity in diagnostics
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